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Elementary School
sunset over a field

Learn More About Our School

Small but powerful, Summitville Elementary School is a place where your child will gain a strong academic foundation and build good character along the way. Our pre-kindergarten through 2nd grade classrooms have an average of 18 students, and we take pride in the fact that every student can receive the one-on-one attention he/she needs from his/her teacher. Our all-day kindergartners begin learning the basics; and through our regular classroom instruction and our high ability or special education learning programs, all of our students can learn at their own pace along the road to realizing their amazing potential.

Our students learn accountability for their choices as they regularly chart their individual growth. And they continue to make appropriate choices and move forward with their learning, using the materials and technology that we have carefully chosen to meet the quickly advancing needs of today’s students.

We know you have a choice about where to live and educate your child. And we know that every child’s learning style and needs are as individual as he/she is. One of the ways we try to meet such specific needs is by giving you another choice: You may choose the traditional classroom setting, or you may choose the option to “loop” with the same grade level teacher and peers. It’s all about what is best for your child.

Mastery of State Standards

Our teachers work diligently to meet the individual needs of our students as they help them master the state standards as proven through assessments, re-teaching, and reassessing of the students’ progress. In fact, we are very pleased that in 2010, Summitville Elementary students had the highest growth in mathematics in Madison County!

Our Terrific Programs

We have it all. With tremendous support from our community, our staff members, and our teachers, we educate our students through a variety of programs that enhance every school day. We believe in a curriculum that combines the “3 R’s” (reading, writing, and arithmetic) with art, music, and physical exercise, and we also provide enrichment through the The Great Green Garden Club.

The following are some of the fantastic programs we offer at Summitville Elementary:

  • Title I Reading
  • Special Education
  • High Ability
  • Art
  • Music
  • Physical Education

    Summitville Student Council

    Our student council consists of elected students. These outstanding individuals lead their peers in service learning activities throughout the year.